Importing Entries



If you have a list of user names and addresses in tab-delimited format, you can probably import them directly into ClickMail. Among your tab-delimited fields (columns), you must have either a full name field or separate first name and last name fields. And, you should know the order of the fields in your tab-delimited file. ClickMail can also import LDIF text files. For a more detailed look at importing, see the Export/Import section later in this guide.

  1. To import entries, from the File menu, choose Import—Tab-delimited. This brings up the Import Tab-delimited window, containing a list of attribute names.
  2. A newly-installed ClickMail shows a list of standard fields, those commonly used in directories. If no fields are listed, from the Lists menu, choose Standard Fields. Edit the list so that it matches the order of fields in your tab delimited file. In the list, line 1 is field 1, line 2 is field 2, etc.
  3. Before you import, you may save the list itself as a file. From the Lists menu, choose Save Field List
  4. Click Import. Choose your tab-delimited file from the Open File dialog. The entries in the file are then imported and indexed. This may take a while, depending on the size of your data. The log file reports any rejected records.

Once your entries are imported, make sure they are valid by viewing them in the Entry window.

Importing vCards

If you have vCard files (file extension .vcf) you wish to import, simply select them all in the Finder and drag and drop them on the ClickMail application icon. Or, import each file using ClickMail's Import vCard command under the File menu. Additional vCards may be dropped on the ClickMail application icon at any time.

