Modifying your directory data offline



To make multiple or global changes that would be time-consuming in the Entry window, you may export your entries from ClickMail, modify them offline, then import them back into ClickMail. You may export in LDIF format and edit in a text editor, or use Tab-delimited format to bring the data into FileMaker and work with it there.

When re-importing tab-delimited data, be sure the field list shown when you choose Import... matches the tab-delimited file.

Here's the step-by-step procedure:

  1. From the File menu, choose Export->Tab-delimited. This exports all records (except the DSE). Unless you have non-people records (such as "ou" department records), use the default setting of "Export People Only". Use the Standard attribute list (Lists menu) unless you have other attributes not on the list (in that case, try the "Current" list).
  2. Open the Import/Data Utility in FileMaker. Click the Import button.
  3. The default field list matches the "Standard" list in ClickMail. Make changes by dragging if you used Current or your own list. (Note that the little arrows must be on for each field you want to import.) When the list is correct, click "Import".
  4. Modify your data as desired in FileMaker. Scripts are provided to auto-create distinguished names, common names, first names and last names.
  5. Export to a new tab-delimited file. If you used a special field order when you imported, choose Export Records from the File menu to export in the same order (check the pop-up menu for "Last Order"). If you are using the standard order, click the Export button instead.
  6. In ClickMail, you may either import into the current datafile or start a new file. (For example, a new file would be needed if you changed some distinguished names). To start a new file, from the File menu choose Configure, click New, name the file, click Save, enter any other settings, then click OK.
  7. In ClickMail, from the File menu choose ImportTab-delimited. The last-used field order is displayed (even if you are working in a new datafile). Choose the appropriate field order and import your data.
  8. Check your new entries by choosing Entries from the Database Menu.
