Address Book (OS X 10.2)




  1. In Address Book Preferences, choose LDAP tab. Click Add.
  2. In the entry pane, enter a name for your server.
  3. Enter the IP address/name of your server.
  4. If you need to search only a portion of the directory, enter a Search Base.
  5. Leave the Port at 389; that's what ClickMail uses.
  6. Scope controls whether a search in a tree-structure directory goes down branches. For most purposes, the scope "Subtree" is best.
  7. Click Save, and make sure the ClickMail server is checked in the list.


  1. In Address Book's main window, Click “Directories” and type part of a name in the Search field.
  2. All entries matching that name-part are listed.
  3. Click the “Email” column header to switch to viewing phone numbers.
  4. To store an entry in your Address Book, drag it to the Group column.

